GPS Tokomololo

In 2014 The Akanesi Mataitonga Trust took on the challenging project of renovating a primary school in the village of Tokomololo in Tonga. Funds were raised in the UK through networking and fundraising activities, including sponsored walks and runs, quiz nights and raffles. Also friends, family and work colleagues contributed to make this project a success.

The Tokomololo school buildings were run down and unsafe for young children to be learning in. It was a great team effort by the Mataitonga family to project manage and organize this project, especially with Trustees living in three different countries at the time. Materials were donated and shipped across the globe, and local craftsmen were engaged to assist with the renovation and also the ongoing maintenance of the buildings.

Classroom 1 – building in much need of repair
Classroom 1 – renovation completed and given a fresh coat of paint to finish off
Block 2 was in a bad state of disrepair. Rain would enter the classroom via the roof, windows and doors.
Block 2 – completed and water tight
Block 2 – renovation in progress
Block 2 – completed
The village of Tokomololo showing their gratitude by hosting a day of feasting and dancing
People of Tokomololo coming together to celebrate
One of our Trustees Meleane Chen was a Guest of Honour
Tokomololo villagers showing how happy they are with the Akanesi Mataitonga school project